Lake Pend O'Reille is a beautiful lake. |
They lower the lake during the winter. You can see in the pic above and the pic below how low the lake is. Usually we can just jump right off the dock and into the water. You can see summer pictures
Even with it low it is still quite lovely. Walking over the lake bed is quite fun. It's muddy and rocky and icy. We walked all the way around the bend. We threw rocks into it.
The lake edges even froze, so we could skim rocks across it's surface. It was fun. You can watch video of that
It also froze and then shattered at the shoreline making for some beautiful sounds and visuals:
Here is a fun compilation of all of the winter stuff: Sledding, ice skating and listening to him say, "I'm ice skating!", walking in the snow, skimming rocks on the ice, being pulled in the sled, him crying, "Go Back Home!" because it's soooo cold, and laying face down in the sled and singing Jingle Bells as a coping mechanism for the cold:
xmas snow from
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