Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Book Stories

Standing (in his snow pants) in the children's section at the library.
We have a lovely little city library here. It's within walking distance. When I wasn't working we would go to circle time every Tuesday. He loved that. We miss it. It's fun to check out books. Some become favorites and books that we check out time and time again.

Here is a sweet book that we checked out over Winter:

It's about a little dog or cat or mouse (I forgot!) who is making a yummy soup but he's missing one of the ingredients: a carrot! So he goes all around town trying to get a carrot. It's about friendship and doing things for others just because and not expecting anything in return. I think the first time I read it I teared up reading the last page:

The Bear also likes the free stickers at the library:
Holding an apple sticker.
He usually lifts up his shirt and puts the sticker on his belly. Ha!

Somehow we ended up with two copies of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (hand me downs). A couple of nights when he picked out his books for storytime before bed he chose both copies and asked that I read them both even after explaining that it was the same book. On the third night of him picking out both copies I decided to read them both at the same time. He would turn the page of one book and I would turn the page of the other one. He enjoyed it and I thought I triumphed! But then, the next night he demanded that we read them both at the same time again. It wasn't until recently that we can now read one at a time.

And this is the moment of fatherhood that Mike never knew he always dreamed of:


  1. What lovely memories!!

  2. Anything with a pirate voice is bound to be a good time!
