Friday, November 8, 2013

Sleeping and Instincts

One of the most challenging parts of caring for a wee one is the sleeping part. More specifically, the getting him down to sleep part. He can be a little fighter. It's one of those instances where your instincts don't always work or where it can be easy to second guess yourself. Here's an example:

12:30 pm
He’s been awake for 3.5 hours.
He’s probably ready for a nap.
Take him to his crib; he screams so I take him out and we play some more.
Maybe he’s not tired, afterall!

12:52 pm
He’s rubbing his eyes.
Gosh, he must be tired, I should listen to my instincts.
Take him to his crib; he screams so I take him out and we play some more.
Huh. Maybe it’s too early. We’ll wait a bit more.
1:15 pm
He’s fussy. He’s getting frustrated easily.
He’s tired.
Take him to his crib. He cries. I let him cry. He’s quiet and asleep in under 2 minutes.
Geez. I bet I could have done that 45 minutes ago, the first time.

Naptime isn't always like this...usually it's pretty easy. He only takes one nap a day now which can range between 1-2.5 hours. But on tough days it is such an exercise in listening to my instincts and not letting his crying unsettle me too much. Still learning. ALWAYS learning. Forever learning.

1 comment:

  1. Aren't we all (forever learning)!
    Yes, instincts are good!
