Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Birthplace, No. 6

Number 6:

From the red jacket, clockwise: Zak, Stan, Tav and Sebastian
I may be the most sad about this. This group of women(the moms) has been one of the best things that has happened to me as a mother. I'm so glad we kept in touch. I was knocked to the ground after Stan B was born and I remember having our Birthing Class Reunion and I felt like I could see the light again.
We hiked together and talked about our bodies, baby poop, sleep, you name it.
I don't know if Stan B will remember these guys. We shall see.
We have been fairly consistent in getting together.
I really hope we keep in touch (social media will make it easier) but I will really miss these families. I feel like we walked through fire together and came out the other side stronger and with adorable and bright humans. I know my little family can create a community where ever we go...but I feel so bonded to these ladies (and now I am crying.)

Here is video from the second Egg Hunt with some of the Birth Class Boys:

egg hunt 2 from erin kawamata on Vimeo.

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