Thursday, September 19, 2013


Stanley Bear doesn't say words quite yet but he understands so much! He now knows how to sign "more". He understands the word and sign for "milk". He knows these words and what they mean: magnolia, outside, hot, flower, tree, dog, truck, shoes, watermelon, kitty, water, milk, hi, bye, mama, papa, cowstar, chicken, and much more that I'm drawing a blank on. Over the weekend he was sitting on my lap and I, for the first time, used the sign for book which is placing your palms together and then opening them up like a book. I did the sign and said, "Would you like to read a book?" He smiled, got off my lap and picked out a book from the pile (he selected Peter Rabbit - which I think he likes because of the pictures of the bunnies, birds, foxgloves, carrots, lettuce, etc.) I was shocked because one, I never used the sign before and two, I feel like I don't use the word "book" very often...maybe I do? I think what I do is become a commentator on my actions when talking with him, "Mama is going to do laundry", "I'm going to put your blocks in this container", "We're at the playground", "I'm going to heat up your rice and lentils". I also ask him if he wants to do things, "Would you like to go for a walk?", "Do you want to go outside?" "Are you ready to go nigh, nigh?" I think that's what most parents do, ask their child questions and create commentary on their own actions or even on their child's actions, "Are you playing with the car?", "You are dancing!", "You can run fast!", "Are you looking for kitty?", etc. Children are so perceptive and really are like sponges. I feel like Stan Bear is soaking up every single thing he is exposed to lately. It's really amazing to witness. At daycare yesterday Miss Maria said that he takes direction really well. She can tell him where to put things and he will put them where she told him. It's still so fascinating to watch him learn and grow. Check out this cut and pasted video of him doing the signs for "hot" (which is just blowing out of your mouth) and more (tapping your fists together):

signs from erin kawamata on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!!!!
    And ever so cute!!!
    Nana loves you!
