Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Morning Wander

We don't get around the block much anymore but we still spend a lot of time outdoors. Our walks have become wanders; I follow the Bear's lead. We usually stay within about a 2 house radius from our house. He likes the neighbors yard to the west of us because of the railroad ties lining their driveway, Mango the cat, their 3 chickens and also the drainage ditch to throw rocks into. He likes the folks across and to the left because of their big sloping ditch that he can actually walk down and enjoys the challenge of climbing back up. He likes the yard across the street because of this pile of medium rocks in their driveway and the balls that the boy who lives there leaves out. He likes the neighbors driveway to the east of us because of the rocks in their driveway and their little dog, Simba. He likes Tom and his yard...Tom is this very tall neighbor who says to Stanley, "Hi there, Stan Bear." it's very cute. He likes the corner houses because of the crunchy leaves or the garden gnome and fairy. We have explored every nook and cranny....or so we think...I'm sure there's a lot more to discover.
Here he is in a sunny, warm, early morning playing with pine needles and meandering like he has all the time in the world...because that's what you do when you're 15 months old.
morning wander from erin kawamata on Vimeo.

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