Friday, December 13, 2013

An Eagerness to Help

Here he is in the spot where the kitty's food bowls usually go. He removed them and is now trying to fit under the little table (he really loves little hideouts like this.)
One of the funniest things the Bear does...well, let me give you a brief history. From the moment the Bear was able to move around (crawl) Mike or I would move Dickie the Cat's food bowls to the stove top or counter top so that the little crawler (now walker/runner) couldn't tip the water or eat the food. NOW when he comes into the kitchen and he sees the cat's bowls he picks them up and hands them to me or attempts to put them up on the counter. It is hilarious and adorable and just plain ol' funny. He is more helpful than he realizes. The best is when he is trying to walk with the water bowl and the water splish-sploshes out and all over the floor. AAAhhhh. I suppose our next step is to try to explain to him that we can leave them on the floor we just don't play with them or eat from them, although I really love his eagerness to help out. Wish us luck.

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