Monday, June 30, 2014

Having Fun While Packing

My dad has been with us since June 8th. He helped us pack and watch the Bear while in NC. He let us sleep in while on the road by taking Stan Bear outside to play at 5 in the morning. He has watched the Bear in our new home while we unpacked the truck and set up our new home. He is an angel in disguise. I keep telling him we'd still be in NC packing if it weren't for him...we would have driven off the road from exhaustion if it weren't for him...we would be unpacking the truck in Idaho for months and months if it weren't for him. Angel, I tell you. Living legend. Thanks Tuka Bear! (Eyes tearing up with gratefulness.)

Uke jam

Here he is packing with the Bear and making it fun:

hand tracing from erin kawamata on Vimeo.

Here they are playing ukeleles:
hip hop ukes from erin kawamata on Vimeo.

Cheers to you, Dad/Tuka Bear!


  1. I love your dad! It is no surprise to me that he is such an awesome Grandpa. I'm sure he is cherishing this time he gets to spend with Stan Bear, too. :)

    1. I teared up too, E....Your dad has such a good sense of timing and humor!!
      I loved the vimeo of the two uke players....and all the photos, especially the ones of the back of both of them walking.

  2. That is just so sweet I can hardly take it. What a special memory that trip will be for all of you.
