Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Jumping Bean

Stanley got two big toy-thingies in the last several months. First he got an exersaucer from Auntie Sue and fam and then a jumper (bumper jumper) from one of Mike's coworkers. When we first put him in his exersaucer he sat/stood there looking at all the different things around him. Sometimes he would go bananas and whack everything with his hands as if playing a drum solo, other times he would really get into each individual toy and spin it, chew it, tug it, grab it. He would never jump. Then we got the bumper jumper. Now all he wants to do, it seems, is jump. When you hold him on your lap he arches his back to stand and then he collapses his knees and then stands up as if to jump. I can just lift him up and down and he has this spring to his legs now. So now when he goes in his exersaucer he JUMPSjumpsjumps! Have a look:

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