Monday, November 24, 2014

Mud Play

It's been in the 30s for weeks now. Brrrr. So we haven't played outside much at all. At daycare I think they dance and do yoga to expel energy instead of playing in the yard (maybe they go outside, I don't know.) Sunday was gloomy, windy and rainy and it was the afternoon. I said to the Bear, let's go outside and stomp in puddles and run around the block. So we went out with our umbrellas and we stomped in 5 puddles and got one house away from ours when Stan B looked up at me and said, "All done." I agreed and we turned around and went home. We took off our wet clothes and drank tea.

Here he is playing outside with mud and trucks well before the weather started becoming unbearable:
He loves that little push truck. Best thing ever. The seat opens and he fills it with mud, water, leaves, sticks, pine cones, flower petals or whatever else he can fit in there. At one point he flung some mud at me and I said, "Stan B, don't throw mud at me. How would you like it if I threw mud at you?" And he turned around and did this:
In other words, he would love it if I flung mud at him. Here he is saying, "Swim!" and pretending to swim in his mud filled truck:

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like your part of Idaho is much colder than Chapel Hill....Good idea to try to go out just for a bit though....
    Wow, they do Yoga at the daycare...I wonder what positions or stretches. Do you know?
