Tuesday, February 11, 2014


We had a delightful visit with my parents at the end of January. I think Stan B remembered my Mom; he smiled at her quickly when she sat in the car when scooping them up at the airport. He definitely recognized my Dad, for when he saw him Stan B pointed at him and made a sound like, "Huh!" and smiled. It was cute.

I took them down to the creek for our typical little hike and the Stans looked like two peas in a pod:
That pic makes me think of Piglet and Pooh Bear walking in the Hundred Acre Wood. On our way out of the creek there was a pile of bamboo that a neighbor had cut down and put out for collection. My Dad grabbed a piece so that he could trim it into walking sticks for himself and my Mom since there are some steep and rocky parts of the creek walk. As my Dad dragged the bamboo by one of it's twigs Stan B took hold to help carry it back home:
The tradition of falling asleep on my Dad continues. This was right before we left for the airport. Stan Poco conked out at the side of Stan Grande:
Even with so little space in our crammed house we carved out room for our guests and I wasn't sure what we were going to do when they left as they had cooked and cleaned and babysat non-stop. We miss you so much!

1 comment:

  1. And we loved it so...wish we could have stayed....We so misss you three.
