Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mas Palabras

Stan B can say lots of things now. They may not all be perfectly enunciated but he tries and it's fun to hear him give it a go. I can say, "Can you say _____?" and almost every time he will try and say that word.

sheep = peesh
pee = pee
tea = tea
knee = knee
poo = poo
ball = ball
Nana = Nana
Tuka = Gaga or Ducka
Dickie = Dacky
doggy = doggy
cow = koh
moo = moo
Mama, Papa = Mama, Papa
thank you = tanky
please = peas
moon = moo(n) the "n" is very soft sounding
snow = noooo
no = nooo
no snow = nooo noooo
truck = buh, chuh
bus = bus
train = choo choo
bye bye = bah bye
more = moe
squirrel = quirl
car = cah
water = wahwah
Sue = shuu (he said that one time!)
Carter = darter (he said that one time too!)
Nala = Nana
shoe = shoe

I'm sure I forgot some words you can see my last list here.

He now can sign "thank you" and "please". He'll do thank you on his own, and appropriately! I still have to ask him to sign/say please but I do think he starting to grasp what please means. Yay!

He is also great at making sounds with his tongue. He can cluck (which I haven't gotten on video yet) and he can roll his Rs! Have a listen:

noises from erin kawamata on Vimeo.

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