Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Bucket o' Bear

Yep, that's a bobby pin in his hair.
Aki B used to go in the bathroom closet and grab the bucket that I would use to mop the floors with. It had residue in it from the cleanser that I use. He would carry it around and wanted to put toys in there but I would always take it away because his toys would get the floor cleaner residue on them. So, I got a bucket just for him. He doesn't tote stuff around in it as much anymore but lately he has really gotten into climbing inside and rocking back and forth:

bucket from erin kawamata on Vimeo.

It cracks me up that he hits the bucket after he falls as if it is the buckets fault that he tipped over. He does this with the floor, chair, wall or whatever it is that he falls on or runs into. He points at it and then smacks it as if to say, "Bad wall! No hitting Stan B!" It is very amusing.

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