Friday, July 24, 2015


When this kid can eat - he can eat SO MUCH...but then there are times where it seems like he fasts for days. I've learned not to fight it. My mom always said, "Eat when your hungry; don't eat when your not." So simple and true.

In the above pic he is eating salad, which he does sometimes. More often than not he won't touch a salad. He prefers salads in finger food form like, carrot sticks, cucumbers, sugar snap peas - things that you can dip or eat with your hands. Also in his bowl above is rice, lentils, sweet potatoes, broccoli and pumpkin seeds. He loves rice and sweet potatoes and will almost always eat anything with those ingredients. This particular meal is called the Winter Abundance Bowl. It was one of our favorite during Winter and Spring.
Here he is eating a whole wheat english muffin with butter and jam along with a scrambled egg with hot sauce on it. He ate the entire thing. I was amazed. He did drink a lot of juice and water afterwards.

I have no idea what he just ate in the pics below...but he literally licked the plate clean:


This day he chose to eat frozen pineapple over a cookie for dessert. I was amazed. He has such a sweet tooth and pineapple is quite sweet!

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