Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Toddler Shenanigans

Here are some "cuckoo banana" things that the Bear has done. (He loves saying "cuckoo bananas") Above, at bath time he got into the bath with his shirt on and laid right down so his shirt would get wet. He thought it was HILARIOUS.

Below he decided to drink his juice and water at the same time. He thought it was HILARIOUS.

One morning he was playing so quietly except every once in awhile he would exclaim, "I'm making cake!" When I went to see what he was doing I saw he had three creams, his yogurt bowl and spoon, his partially eaten toast all mixed together. Such a busy little chef. I think there is a lego man thrown in there too.

I gave him a bowl of apples for a snack when I went to get his bowl I noticed this:


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