Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Grocery Store Tips

1) When you make grocery store trips keep your child in the shopping cart.
2) Always buckle them into their seat in the cart.
3) Never make exceptions - always keep them sitting in the cart.

Those are my only tips...because if you let them out of the cart once they will (almost) never want to sit in the cart again and then they want to TOUCH everything, run down the aisles and tackle any large stuffed animals and you'll find them doing inappropriate things in the dairy aisle.*

*It's all an exaggeration. But grocery shopping is definitely more of a keep-you-on-your-toes-experience than when he was a wee child sitting in the cart.

I must also say that if I want to make a quick trip I tell him before we get into the store that he has to sit in the cart. That always works.

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