Tuesday, May 20, 2014


We have this roll of newsprint sitting near the kitchen doorway and one day Stan B dragged it out and I watched him go. It's a long video but I think it's fun to watch. (highlights: at 15 seconds he rolls it out, 32 seconds he starts drawing, at 2:45 he says, "pink", at 3:08 he says, "green", at 4:32 he says "green" without my prompting, at 4:44 he crawls to the other side of the newsprint, at 5:32 he starts rocking and drawing, at 6:23 he rolls up the paper and then unrolls it, at 7:00 he jumps on it, kitty walks over the paper at 7:51, he eats the marker at 8:00, you see my foot at 8:14, at 8:52 he defies me and draws on his face, at 9:28 he rolls it up, at 9:51 he does his "where'd it go" thing with his hands, at 10:14 he drags it back to the doorway, at 10:30 he high fives me.)
arteest from erin kawamata on Vimeo.


  1. He looks like Picasso. I love how he marks with flare. I am so impressed that he puts the caps back on the markers and works at it until they snap shut!!! AND he can roll it up and put it away to boot!!!

  2. I wrote a comment here after seeing the vimeo. I said he reminded me of Picasso with the way he made strokes with such a flourish. Also I was so impressed with the fact that he put the covers on the markers each time he was done with a color and that he rolled up the paper and put it away.
