Saturday, September 1, 2012

Symptoms of a Mother

It's weird. When the baby is down I feel like I hear crying. I either stop doing the dishes and tilt my ear to the bedroom, hit the mute button on the T.V., turn the music down or pop my head in his room. Nope he's fast asleep. When he is truly crying it's much more obvious. But I swear, I hear little squawks or cries all the time now.

I still check to see if he's breathing too. When he's in a deep sleep his breathing is really shallow and you can barely see his chest heave. The other night he slept for 3.5 hours straight and Mike and I kept going in there to check on him. When Mike went in he came back out and said, "I couldn't see him breathing so I touched his arm and it was cold! It freaked me out but then he stirred from my touch." How frightening. I have put my ear inches from his face to see if I can hear him breath.

Symptoms of a mother I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. DUDE!!!
    I can totally relate, and yes,mother symptom for sure but oh man, I remember that crying sound SO SO SO clearly!
    Simon was always in Hannah's room listening to her breathe in the night, I was just grateful if I ever got any sleep... but the daytime hearing the crying, turning down the remote, asking friends 'did you hear that'....
    Oh, so clear xxx
