Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Master's in Magnolia Trees

On our walks the Bear points at Magnolia trees and kicks his legs in excitement. He points Magnolias out to me that I didn't even realize were there. He points at them from afar and nearby. He points at the big ones, the little ones, the flowering ones, the un-flowering ones. It's really amazing. He can identify the Magnolia tree, there's no doubt about it.
At first I thought he identified them by their big, white flowers but then one day he pointed at one with no flowers. I did a double take and said, "Yes, that's a Magnolia tree! Very good. Can you say MAG-NOH-LEE-AAAH?" hahaha. I think he knows that some have white flowers, some don't. He knows that they have shiny leaves. I even think he knows that inside of the flower is the spiny receptacle that holds the stamens; he tries to eat them when he can grab hold of a branch.
I'm truly amazed how he can identify them. It's so cool...I have no better description than that, it's just so cool. Little humans are so cool and amazing. He's like a little arborist.
Here he is with one of his favorite trees.

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