Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Rash


The Bear conquered stinkin' pneumonia. The day after his fever broke I noticed a rash of some sort on his forehead and nape of his neck. The day after that it was all over his back and chest and on the sides of his face. OY. I found an informative site on infant rashes with the yucky pictures to boot and it mostly looked and sounded like it was Roseola. Roseola is caused by a virus (the Dr. said he had adenovirus yet the link on Roseola says that it comes about from two viruses and adenovirus is not one of them, so maybe he didn't have adenovirus? or maybe he didn't have Roseola? I don't know.) The symptoms of Roseola are:

  • High fever for 2-3 days (check!)
  • Rapid increase in temperature (check!)
  • After fever ends a rosy-pink rash appears on trunk (check!), neck (check!) and arms. The rash is not itchy (check!) and may last 1-2 days (check!)
  • In rare cases a sore throat, stomach ache, vomiting (check!) and diarrhea (check!) occur. 
  • Child may be irritable (check!)
  • May have decreased appetite (check!)
So, sounds like it...
And looks like it:

But still fairly smiley (when not irritable) and adorable through it all: 

1 comment:

  1. You had Roseola....Yes, Dr. K., I agree with your diagnosis!
