Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Tooth

I was fishing around Stanley Bear's mouth, trying to fetch a piece of paper he stuck in there and behold! A tooth! So far he has 8 teeth plus this new one. I had no clue he was teething again. He has his top, front four and his bottom front four which I colored green in the illustration below.

I was surprised to feel this new tooth because it wasn't a canine..there's a big space between his lateral incisor and the new tooth. It's his first molar! I colored it pink in the illustration. This chart says that he should get it between 13-19 months (before the canine) which is on time for him since he's been ahead of the tooth eruption game all along. He despises having me stick my finger in his mouth (I am often doing that to pull a leaf, flower, shell, rock, stick or piece of paper out) and if my finger gets caught in between his front 8 teeth, hot tamale! it hurts. Those 8 baby teeth are sharper than a piranha's.

Anyways, it's always something. If he doesn't have a virus, he has pneumonia. If he doesn't have pneumonia, he has a rash. If he doesn't have a rash, he has a runny nose. If he doesn't have a runny nose he's teething. At least he's still happy as a clam most of the time.

Image from:

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