Sunday, January 29, 2012

250 ml of Orange Juice

I am eating all the time - but can only have small amounts because I get full very quickly. Check out what I ate on Monday:
Joe’s Os(like cheerios) with milk and ½ a banana

250 ml OJ with my vitamins (I know it was 250 mls because I drank it out of a beaker with the measurements on the side. ha!)
handful of almonds
hardboiled egg
cup of water (I need to drink more of this.)
clementine with walnuts
pasta with turkey meat sauce and parmesan queso
vitamins, cup of water
honeycrisp apple (DEEElicious)
⅓ cup of potato salad
string cheese
roasted asparagus
chicken with pasta
milk, 3 cookies
small bowl of cerealThose last two were midnightish snacks.
I am not having cravings necessarily but am off put by things and my gag reflex is awfully sensitive. My sense of smell is insane, kinda funny actually. The other morning I smelled something burnt and I told Mike and he started sniffing the air and I said, “The smell is just when I walk through this doorway.” It was then that I realized that it was Mike’s empty coffee mug that had a leftover coffee smell - which had a burnt odor to it I guess. Weird.

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