Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I remember our first night home with Aki Bear; Mike and I were a wreck. I was exhausted from a week long labor and 48 hrs in the hospital. Mike was recovering from an earache and also exhausted from supporting me all week. Neither of us new anything about babies and I think Mike would agree that he knew even less about babies than me. He had never changed a diaper before. That first night home the little one cried and cried. We checked his diaper: dry. I tried to nurse him: nope. We "swaddled" him like they did in the NICU (loose swaddle): he wouldn't calm down and sleep.  Repeat. I even said something like, "I think we made a mistake!" I was so overwhelmed. Through what seemed like complete chaos Mike grabs the Happiest Baby on the Block book and finds the how-to section on swaddling. This is amazing to me because I don't think I could even concentrate enough and read a sentence at that point. He sets the blanket up and follows the steps, one by one. He reads that, "you can't make a swaddle too tight." He even reads that one father adheres it with a little duct tape at which I am in disbelief that something like that is written in this book. I love duct tape but, come on, it's your baby! Anyways, Mike swaddles Aki Bear in a tight, neat swaddle and then SILENCE. He's quiet and asleep. It was like a magic trick. Four months later and the Bear still likes a swaddle although I tried the one arm swaddle all last night with success! I even alternated which arm was out. Anyhoo. We had a babysitter for a couple of hours watch the Bear on Friday and she came over the day before so that I could meet her (she's a former student of Mike's). She's really nice and was great with Aki Bear. One of the things we showed her was how to swaddle and here is Mike's demo (watch 'til the end and be shocked just like I was the first time I saw pieces of duct tape on the changing table.)
I refuse to use the duct tape, even if it doesn't seem to harm the baby. It just isn't my style. Mike on the other hand continues to deploy the duct. Another example in different parenting styles and learning to accept those differences.

1 comment:

  1. Love how little Stanley seems so happy about the whole thing...
    We were having withdrawals yesterday when there was no blog.
