Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Maternity Leave

How's that for an eye opener! Here we think our country is a leader in so many things but it's not when it comes to maternity leave. Let's move to Canada! American women get 12 weeks of unpaid maternity leave under the Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA). This fantastic infographic and a short article to go along with it was found at Think Progress.

I received that very FMLA maternity leave package. I could get paid only one months worth (that's how much sick and vacation time I had available.) Thankfully my very generous co-workers donated to me more than 2 months worth of time. AMAZING. (I just learned that I was given the max amount of 225 hours! Wowwee!)When I found out, my heart swelled with love and gratitude towards my work family. Unfortunately, who donates time is confidential so the best I could do was to send out a mass thank you email. (My favorite garbage man, Harold, donated two entire weeks! A little bird told me that.) I couldn't imagine going back to work after one month...or even two months. I just barely started liking the baby after one month! We barely got into a routine after the second month. After the third month was up we were attached by the hip and had gotten to know eachother fairly well and found our groove but I had to go back to work or my job might not've been waiting for me. Plus, we need my income and I have fantastic insurance.

I remember seeing that infographic and being really annoyed. Why can't the Land of the Free have better maternity leave options? I know that not every mother wants to stay home with their baby...some want to go back to work and others, like me, have to go back to work. I sent this lot of questions out on facebook to see if I would get a good conversation going. I didn't really get a good conversation I only received 6 responses, but it's still interesting to hear what other mamas have to say; plus I learned some things (taxes!):

1) What was the length and pay of your maternity leave? 
a. I was home for 16 weeks (c-section/FMLA)) and got about 55% of my take home pay (pre-tax)
b. I took three weeks vacation, all of the maternity leave and all of the Paid Family Leave. I got paid about $2k per month for the maternity leave/pfla.
c. I took 3 months with my daughter and 2 months with my son. I had leave advanced to me with both kids as well as using annual and sick leave that I had on the books. 
d. I got 8wks off with full pay (no need for state disability)
e. In Japan, if you work in a public institution, new mothers get a year with full pay. Not sure what private companies give, but probably less than that. (a non-mother sent this to me.)
f. Shanghai American School gives 10 weeks paid to mum (plus another 4 without pay I think) and 3 weeks paid to dad... for adoption, we got 6 paid for mum and 3 paid for dad.

2) Why did you take all 3 months (FMLA) or, why did you not? 
a. I took all the time I was allowed without taking unpaid leave.
b. n/a 
c. n/a 
d. I did not do FMLA but my husband did. He took FMLA when I went back to work that way the boys would not have to go to daycare until they were 5mths old.
e. I'd take the max of whatever they give you.
f. n/a

3) Why did you go back to work, or why did you not? 
a. We have a mortgage and would not be able to make payment without dual income. But, I just recently reduced my schedule to 4days/week so I could spend more time with my son.
b. The reason I was working was because I was the one that had health insurance coverage through my job. Once my husband's job offered it I quit my job and stayed home. It's hard, but I feel as if its the best for us and for my sanity. I always felt like I was playing "catch up" on laundry, dishes, housecleaning, etc when I worked. Also, tax wise and $ wise, we are better off with only one income. We were bumped up to the next tax bracket when I was working and we were paying as much in taxes, gas, child care as we are making now. So, it didn't make sense for me to work. 
c. Had to go back to work for financial reasons and my sanity.
d. I went back to work because I have to work for $$ but I also really missed it.
e. n/a
f. n/a

4) What do you think a fair Maternity Leave package would be? 
a. I would love to see paid Maternity Leave increased to a minimum of 6mo. I felt like we were just getting into our grove when I had to go back to work.
b. It would be great if employers kicked in some $ for maternity leave. Even if it was just for the initial 2 months. That would be awesome. It's hard when the govn't has to take the heat for compensating everyone. I think some companies will give a few weeks paid but now that you have a baby your know as well as I do that a "few weeks" is nothing in comparison to what a few months could do.
c. n/a
d. I think what I got is very fair considering I didn't have to do any paperwork with the State. All I needed to do was give a "doctor's note" and provided my date of return to work. I work for a company that is Malaysia based thus the slight difference from US companies.  
e. n/a 
f. n/a 

I think it would be wonderful to get 1 year off. I think I'd be happy with 6 paid and 1 year off without fear of losing your job. I also think that daycare costs are insane especially for children under 24 months old. If we were able to have the option to stay home with our baby for a year that would really help some people financially. Friend "b" mentions that it's hard when the government has to take the heat for compensating everyone but I read this article about how paid maternity leave is actually good for the economy. Here's a snippet:

So, paid leave when a baby comes is good for the mother and the child.  It keeps the family financially stable, grows the economy and decreases health care costs.  It means better health for all concerned, and lowers the risk that public assistance will be needed for food, rent or utilities.  It’s no wonder every other modern nation, and others far less robust than the U.S., have found a way to turn such a practical and cost-effective public policy into reality.  The only mystery that remains is why we don’t. 

Anyhoo. Got to go back to work. Boohoo.


  1. Your blog is so eye opening and HELPFUL to new moms, soon to be moms and anyone considering starting a family. Thank you for all the energy you put into gathering this info, writing these posts and always being so open with your opinions. Plus, pretty much any picture of Stanley toes just makes my day. :)

  2. Thanks so much Heather. I enjoy researching and writing posts like these. Glad you enjoy Stanley toes as much as I do!

    1. Wow, I was tearfully touched that your co-workers donated their vacation time to you for your maternity leave...
      And what Heather said...do I know Heather?
