Sunday, October 21, 2012

What I Didn't Know

I read this great little article at Baby Center the other day. You should read it, especially if you're expecting or thinking of having a wee one. I wish I would have read something like this before the baby came...or maybe I did and it's just one of those things where you can read about it or be told about it by tons of people but you really just don't get it unless you're in it.

Newborns Are Funny Looking
Ha! Kinda true. Look at how funny the Bear looks an hour after he popped on the scene, all swollen, wet and sleepy (and Mom is outta her mind and hasn't seen nothin' yet.)
He got cuter really fast though. (Look how big his hand is!!)

Baby's Can Be Explosive
"Newborns may look delicate, but when it comes to spit-up and poop, they can pack a serious punch."
Don't worry, I won't show any dirty diaper pics or spit up images. I will share with you the fact that in the beginning he dirtied/wet over 24 diapers a day in the beginning. That number has dwindled, but it's still a lot. (A lot more than you and me would dirty.)

Baby's Are Unexpectedly Time Consuming
Yep. True. I was told that they would eat up my time but it didn't quite reach the part of my brain that needed to hear it...or I thought I understood what that meant but actually I didn't until we met him. Being tired doesn't help. Going grocery shopping takes more time (gotta remember the diaper bag and anything else baby related.) Gotta time it so that he's awake (preferably) and in a good mood (just eaten.) And when the baby sleeps you think you can get things can, eventually, but you also want to sleep or just be a couch potato for an hour while he's down. But you somehow adjust and I usually only take one nap a day now (except for the days that I work 8 hours!) I am able to wash dishes or diapers or straighten an area of the house while he's down...or even while he's awake! Yay for me!

Bonding Follows Its Own Timetable 
Every parent will have a different story on how quickly (or slowly) they felt connected to their little
one. I took about 3 weeks. I thought I'd be in love instantly but that didn't happen. When it did happen it was quite lovely. Here he is at that 3 week stage:
It's funny to see this diaper on him, it looks HUGE. He fills them in better these days.

You'll Be A Different Parent Than You Expected
So true. I read all of these parenting blogs before he was born and knew what philosophies I liked or didn't like. I thought I would be a certain way. Although I think I still carry some of those philosophies in my head a lot of how you parent, especially in the beginning when everything is brand new,  is very instinctual and you have to react quickly. Whether or not you think of all of the ways to positively and properly speak to your child it all might totally fly out the door and BOOM! you say something you swore you'd never say to him. Practice makes perfect I say. (Or close to perfect...or practice makes imperfect.) I'd also like to add that you and your partner are different people and will therefore parent differently and that's fine. It took me awhile to let go and not be so bossy with Mike. Variety is a good thing for the Bear.

1 comment:

  1. I like your philosophy about letting Mike parent the way he sees it...of course you still may have differences you want to talk about but being so open is lovely...I wish I had been that way with Stan.
