Sunday, April 14, 2013

Baby Memories

My friend Shawnee made a great comment when we were hanging out with our two little ones in Cali. She said something like, "How cool would it be if we could remember being this age." She was talking about our little tykes and how great it would be to be able to remember what it was like to feel sand for the first time, to see the ocean for the first time. How cool would it be to be able to remember the first time you ever saw a tree or a squirrel climbing up a tree? How cool would it be to touch a cat or get licked by a dog for the first time? How neat would it be to be able to remember discovering your shadow or watching water boil or touching a flower for the first time. Mike said the other day,
"Maybe we don't have those memories but everything we experience shapes us somehow." So even though we probably don't recall these baby memories, the experiences and the feelings stay with us. While they may not be seen directly, perhaps they build and shape our "inner selves" both now and later.   

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