Monday, April 22, 2013


The Bear is a sponge. He is so observant and is constantly learning. It's amazing. In the morning when I go to the bathroom I stick him at the far end of the hallway and leave the loo door open and I say to him, "Crawl to me!" and he smiles and then crawls to me, with some stops on the way but he eventually makes it to the restroom! He also knows what "up" means because when I say, "Do you want up?" he lifts up his arms as if to say "Pick me up, woman!" He also knows what "kitty" means. We'll say, "Do you see kitty?" and he will find her and lock his eyes on her. Last month he learned to crawl (he is all over the place now), to pull himself up to standing, to pull himself up onto a kids chair or the drum or any other low surface (he's a climber!) He will find the smallest object on the ground (like a tiny piece of a leaf or a grain of sand) and he will touch it with his index finger (and try to pick it up and eat it.) When we go for walks in his stroller he loves hanging off the side with one arm dangling down and staring at the ground moving underneath him or at the front stroller wheels moving. We sat in the pathway of our friend Margarite's house the other day and he noticed this tiny little ant walking by. It's really neat to watch him learn and observe things. He also stands in the crib and turns the light off and on and can open the door. Time to rearrange furniture in that room I guess.
UPDATE: He is so fast that the bathroom/hallway crawl no longer works. He has gotten to the cat food dishes before I can even start emptying my bladder. I put him at one end of the hallway and then when I turn around he's at the bathroom doorway. He's like Flash...Aki Bear Flash.

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