Friday, November 1, 2013


Before I go to bed each night I go in the Bear's room and peek in on him. I love seeing him so peaceful and love seeing what sort of position he is in. I started to document this routine by snapping a picture of him sleeping each night. It lasted 4 days. On the 4th night I woke him up and I totally regretted it. So, I stopped being stalker-mommy and let him rest peacefully. Here are the four shots I got:

I love this position, butt up in air, feet curled into one another.

I don't take pics anymore but I do still check in on him before I go to bed. One of my favorite things to do on this earth. Really.


  1. That is so sweet, Erin. I love the child's pose sleeping position. :)

    1. I love the child's pose too...All are so sweet of him!!! I can see why you love it!

  2. One of my favorite things in the world too! Kavi's door is super creaky at the new place so I have to do crazy ninja moves to check on her without waking her up. My favorite is the booty in the air! :)
