Monday, April 16, 2012

Birthing Class V: Waterslides & Laundry Chutes

I ate so much fruit salad in class tonight. I got the good chair with pillows and it rocks but it wasn't very comfortable because it made me want to slouch when really I need to sit up straight to elongate my torso because everything is getting squished now. So after break Mike and I switched and he sat in the rocking chair.

We continued our conversation from last week about coping mechanisms: positions, mental tools, environment, positive affirmations. We also checked out the birthing rooms downstairs which we haven't seen since we had a tour of the place back in October (I think it was October). Everything looked smaller than I had remembered. One couple said they remembered the bathtubs being rounder, Mike thought so too; they are more rectangular. It's funny what our memories do. It still looked cozy and comfy though.

One of the more interesting things I learned was about the position of your pelvis and the curve of the birth canal. Basically, if you're standing upright your cervix faces down and once you move into the birth canal it makes a quick turn facing forward. So, if you are lying down on  your back the baby has to channel Sir Edmund Hillary in order to climb uphill to come out.  That is why squatting might be more beneficial...think waterslide. Or even better, on all fours, think laundry chute. Weeeee! I wonder who started the lying on your back trend to give birth? I'm gonna look that up.

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