Sunday, May 26, 2013


Mike thinks this is disgusting. I think this is smart. All I have to do to clean him off is put him in the front yard and hose him down.

(I don't actually do that, but I might, come summertime, I think he'd enjoy it.)

Stan Bear has made a quick transition into wanting to self feed. It's more challenging to spoon feed him, he either wants the spoon or will turn his head. If he grabs the spoon, I don't fight it. I let him have it, in fact I think he is getting good at grabbing the spoon and putting it in his mouth and feeding himself with it! Now if he could learn to scoop food up instead of smacking it (food flying everywhere, lucky ants.) In the "disgusting" picture above I gave him the pot because it was empty and he likes to "drink" out of any kind of container. Glugglugglug.

He was ready for this transition into self feeding probably much sooner than it took for us to catch on. I swear, it takes longer for us to transition to his changes and his growth. I feel like we're constantly trying to catch up. Or I feel like we barely get the hang of things and then BOOM he's on to something new (like crawling, or standing, or kindawalking.) I feel like he is teaching us rather than us (the parents) teaching him! For reals. He is waaaaay ahead of us on the growth chart. I wish he would send us a heads up a couple of weeks ahead of time so we could RSVP to his first step, or his first spoon-self-feed or his first word, or his first (fill in the blank.) But then I suppose that we would not be on the edges of our seats if we knew ahead of time. Not knowing, not being prepared makes this parenting thing WAY MORE EXCITING. We're having so much fun with him.

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