Thursday, May 30, 2013

Worst Thing in the World Part IV

Here he is at or around 10 weeks old.
 When Stan Bear was somewhere around 10 weeks old he fell off the couch. It was terrible. I had just finished nursing him and he fell asleep. He was on his side. This was around the time when he was starting to roll over. He totally could roll from his side to his back - no problem - so looking back I just don't know what I was thinking. I remember getting up to get a glass of water. I was going to be quick. So I leaned our cylindrical back support pillow up against the couch where he was lying (as if that could keep him from falling off). I was mid-pour when I heard a bonk and his big, loud cry. I rushed back to the living room where I found him perpendicular to the couch - so, I think the pillow broke his fall a little (imagine sliding down a fireman's pole) and his little head was resting on one of my cushiony running shoes - thank goodness. I think it scared him more than anything. I picked him up. I checked him for bumps, blood and bruises. None. He was still crying and I held him and told him I was sorry over and over again and that I would never do that again and that I was sorry, so, so sorry. He probably cried for a good 4 minutes but it felt like ages. Once he calmed down I checked his arms and legs to make sure nothing seemed broken. He was fine. I remember saying to him, "I bet that was so scary. I'm so sorry I left you there." I felt a horrible mother. When Mike came home that night I told him what happened and I cried. He said that things like that happen all the time. That babies are really resilient. I think someone told me once that their bones are really squishy and flexible still, I have no idea if that is true or not. I feel lucky. Lucky that no bones were broken. Lucky that no blood was shed. Lucky that he wasn't afraid of the couch or the bed after that. I told my friend Jane about it too and she said that she had a social worker friend who said that when they'd hear a bump upstairs they'd say, "Oh, baby just learned to roll over." Haha. Social Worker Humour. But, man oh man it was a terrible moment - it's taken me this long to write about it - that's how terrible it was. I guess the only good thing is that we don't have to worry about that old wives tale of falling off the bed. Although I cannot wait to cut his hair. It's so long it gets in his eyes. I've even put a bobby pin in his hair a couple of times. Anyhoo. Don't let your babies fall off couches.


  1. Oh Erin! I put Kavi on her rocking horse for a picture when she was 4 or 5 months old and she totally fell over and all I heard was a loud THUD! It was terrible and scary and my Mom came running upstairs..and I felt so bad that I let her fall for a stupid photo. She too cried for what seemed like an eternity! Lesson learned! :) I did get a really cute picture of her though.. :)

    1. i guess it does happen to everybody! i bet it is an adorable picture though! haha! thanks for sharing your experience with me, suganya!

  2. Suganya & Erin - The same thing happened to me when I was watching Wally once. He was 6 months old and sitting up perfectly content next to a window on the floor. I was snapping pictures of him for his parents. All it took was a little turn and he somehow did a face plant on the floor, which was hardwood. It was one of the scariest things I've ever experienced. The thud, his crying... I still remember how fast my heart was pounding when I thought he was hurt. He didn't even have a bruise. No blood. Nothing. He cried for a minute and then all was well. It doesn't sound that bad now, but experiencing a baby fall in your care is simply terrifying, no matter how it happens. And in those moments, the fear is so real! They're so helpless and small. It takes real courage to be a parent and you're both so good at it. :)

    1. oh, heather, thanks for sharing your experience. it is scary, no matter how short a distance they may have fallen. (stanley has also fallen face first out of his bouncy chair and countless times when he was learning to sit, pull himself up to stand and i'm sure once he learns to walk that there will be more falls!)
