Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Preliminary Signs

I'm still pregnant.

I am having some preliminary signs of labor such as the loss of the mucous plug and some possible contractions but they are coming very irregularly and I can throw the regularity off by either sitting up or going to the bathroom. People say, "Oh, you'll know when you're having a contraction." I am at the stage where I think I have had them but not sure if it is pre-labor/false labor or early labor. Because of their irregularity we (the midwife and I) think it is pre-labor. I'm calling them "pains" because that's what they are. I've been feeling these pains since midnight Sunday. It's fun waking up every 15-30 minute with these "pains".


  1. You can do it, E! Hang in there. I hope you're able to get some rest in between pains. --M

    1. thank you! i will be calling on your and everybody's strength to get me through!!! -e

  2. Yay! Maybe you'll have a 4th of July Baby! Hang in there. Our doctor gave us good advice when I was a week overdue with Ethan. She said...no one in the history of having babies was pregnant forever. :) Your baby will be here soon. Thinking of you lots! <3
