Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Passed out with Nana Harriet at almost 2 weeks old.
 I am writing this on a Sunday night - We have survived the first couple of days without my parents here to help. I managed to do two loads of laundry and hung them on the line and pulled them from the line when it looked like rain! I fed myself breakfasts and lunches. Mike made dinner on Saturday (I made the rice in the Japanese rice cooker that my mom and Mike figured out how to use!) and he bought me a burger from Buns for dinner tonight. I was watching "Primal Grill" on PBS today - the cooking show where he has like 6 different types of grills running at once and slathers his meat with something fatty once the meat has been cooked to perfection. Today he was grilling beef ribs and I had a sudden urge for red meat, so I ordered Mike to get us a burger. I ate some leftover steamed vegetables too just to rid myself of the guilt. Anyhow, I'm getting off track by talking about food, surprise! My parents were a huge help. This is what they did: laundry, dishes, cleaned mildewed tiles in the bathroom, mopped floors, yard work, diaper changes, comforting baby, my dad put up the clothes line with concrete posts in a sunnier spot, they grocery shopped, bought baby stuff, like bottles and breast pump accessories and night lights (things that we realized we needed). I'm sure they did more...oh, duh, they cooked. My dad bought a slow cooker and made us some of the most amazing meals from that thing. He also made from scratch some guri guri, which is a Japanese frozen dairy treat...something between ice cream and sorbet. THANK YOU MOM AND DAD! You have made this transition a hundred times easier.
Stanley with Stan Grande at just 3 days old. Look how much smaller he is here compared to the picture above!

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