Sunday, March 4, 2012


I'm a big believer in balance...balance in all things. I don't mean to get all "hippy dippy" and such but I really do believe in it. A good example is relationships. I've been in relationships with people where it's euphoric bliss. Where your "happy" is ultra-super-duper happy. Whether you like it or not the opposite of this intense "happy" is going to be a just as intense "sad". It's no fun. That's where broken hearts dwell, where depression visits, where balance counteracts your extreme happy with the complete opposite. That's what I think anyway. I like my relationship with my husband; we have a healthy balance. It's not a rollercoaster, it's more like a ride on a paddleboard. It's pleasant and sometimes bumpy with it's challenges but nothing we can't work out. It makes for a healthy team.

I wrote about the excitement and pleasure of feeling the baby kick here and here. I have felt the baby move everyday, some days more than others. The day after I flew in to Maui I was recovering from a rough 2 days of flying. First from NC to CA and then CA to HI! A total of about 12.5 hours and a 5 hour time difference. I was pooped. The day after I flew in I didn't feel the baby move until the evening. I was so anxious. I tried not to show it...but I was worried. I had read that it is normal to not feel anything for a couple of days and that it is nothing to be worried about but I couldn't help it. I worried. I was hoping that the length of the flight and my exhaustion didn't hurt the baby. When I felt that little kick in the evening for the first time that day I was so happy and relieved. That thrill of the kick was balanced by the worry of the absence of it. I guess this is a small scale version of what being a parent will be like: being thrilled to the gills with this new little creation and being a worried and concerned Mama. I will take this practice while I can. Apparently anxiety is a normal and natural thing for a pregnant lady. So I don't feel to crazy.

Today I felt the squirrel move after I ate peanut butter and milk chocolate mochi. SO DELICIOUS.

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