Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post Partum Bod: Kegels

Sometimes I pee a little when I cough or sneeze. Maybe that's too much 411. Looking back I wish I did more kegel exercises. I didn't do them regularly at all. I think I can still do them to get all that stuff back in shape down there so that I don't have to share the diaper stockpile with my son.

It's the truth people. Learn from me now so that you don't pee later.

That is what your pelvic floor muscles look like. (and your urinary sphincter!)

Apparently there are kegel apparati to help one flex those muscles:
Image from gold violin dot com
I think this thing would've helped me because if I could use it while sitting I wouldn't forget about it because "There it is between your legs!!!" A lot of times I'd do them and then forget after the 6th one and instead start thinking about what to make for dinner.

This woman talks about kegel exercises. I peed a little watching it because she talks about erections and anuses (I'm extremely mature.) My favorite is when she talks about "The Elevator". She goes through that particular exercise using the elevator as a metaphor for the length of your pelvic floor muscles. She goes to floor five and back down to the basement. I don't think I have 5's more like ground zero. She must have a supervagina. Have a watch:

1 comment:

  1. Dad and I both watched took me three days but dad watched it in one fell swoop....I have been motivated to do the exercises!!!
