Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Taking Baby to the Dentist or Dad Always Wins

I totally forgot about my 7 am dentist appointment this morning. I get a call at ten after from the office asking me where I am.
They say that they have an opening at 8 but I can come in before then, so I tell them I'll be there (don't wanna pay that fee of not cancelling!) So I tell Mike and say, "I think he'll be ready for a nap in 30 minutes." Mike says, "You're not going to take him with you? I have a staff meeting at 9:30 am." 
Mike has to leave by 9 am to get to his meeting. I'm really mad. Mad at myself for missing the 7 am appointment and then more mad at Mike (it's easier somehow to be more mad at Mike) because I think it would be easier to have a baby in a staff meeting rather than have a baby at a dentist appointment while I'm trapped under a Hygienist.  But no.
Dad always wins. 
(That's me being mad.) So I storm off with my adorable baby to the dentist. They are so glad to see a cute baby. Thank goodness. Aki Bear is tired, so I'm afraid he'll start wailing as he cries almost only when he's tired. He does really well while she scrapes away at my bottom teeth and then half way through my top teeth he starts getting fussy, not wailing just squawky. Squawky Bear. So I pull his car seat closer to me so that my foot  can reach the seat to rock it while she finishes cleaning my teeth. That mostly does the trick. I wish I had my camera because it was kinda funny. Just imagine, me on the reclined chair with my mouth open, the Hygienist cleaning away with my foot dangling off the seat rocking the baby in his car seat. Of course he never fell asleep, he doesn't like sleeping he likes looking at stuff. He loved looking at all of the ceiling lights and dental lights and listening to the mechanical tooth polisher and water-sucker-upper. Anyways. Good news.
No cavities. No Gingivitis.
He falls asleep half way home holding on to Bob.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you did brilliantly at the dentists....What a treat for everyone to see little Stanley!!
