Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Sleep Challenge, continued

This is not my baby, nor are these my dogs although I think we should get sleeping dogs so the baby can sleep. I found this image on the Life With Dogs facebook page.
Monday Night (night 2)
6:51p - nurse, sing, suck on fingers, rock, sing, down
10:23p - up, nursed, diaper change, nursed, rocked
10:43p - down
1:03a - up, nurse, rock
1:14a - down (a record 11 minutes!)
3:42a - up, nurse, attempt rock (repeat 3x)
3:58a - down
6:07a - up, nurse, rock
6:25a - UP (he basically wakes up at 6am although I try anything to get him to sleep longer, alas, no.)

He slept a total of 8.5 hours. His maximum sleep was 3 hrs and 33 min.
His maximum sleep improved from Sunday night's 3 hour span. He slept less though; I estimate 10.33 hours slept on Sunday. Although Sunday was torturous from 4 am on. I enjoyed Monday night more. So, I say, "Success!" or maybe more like, "success."


Tuesday Night (night 3)
7:16p - nurse, rock, down
8:05p - up, rocked
8:08p - down
8:22p - up, rocked
8:25p - down
This is a rough start to the evening.
10:39p - nurse, rock
10:53p - down
12:14a - nurse, rock, diaper change
12:26a - down
2:51a - up, nurse, rock
3:09a - down
5:29a - up, nurse, dipe change, rocked 5 times (grrr)
6:00a - down
6:15a - UP (I tried)

He slept a total of 9 hours 40ish minutes. His maximum sleep was 2 hrs. 25 min. You can see why I'm so frustrated; there doesn't seem to be any real improvement. Deep breath.


Wednesday Night (night 4)
7:09p - down
7:21p - up, rocked
7:34p - down
10:14p - up, nursed, rocked
10:22p - down (8 min. record!)
12:36a - up, rocked
12:42a - down (6 min. record!)
3:36a - up, nursed, rocked
3:48a - down
5:56a - nurse, UP for the day

He slept a total of 10 hrs and 8 min. His maximum sleep was 2 hrs. 54 min. I see improvements mainly in the amount of time between awakenings and going back to sleep. It only took 6 minutes one time...which probably meant he nursed for no longer than 3 minutes and then I rocked him for 3 and did the hot lava drop. This gives me some hope.


Thursday Night (night 5)
6:47p - nursed, rocked, down
7p - up, rocked
7:05p - down
9:45p - up, nurse, rock (2x)
9:56p - down
10:11p - up, rocked
10:18p - down
10:28p - (nurse, rock) x 3
10:36p - down
12:32a - up, nurse, rock
12:39a - down
3:26a - up (I feel well rested after this sleep), nurse, rock
3:36a - down
4:05a - up, nurse, rock
4:14a - down
4:51a - rock, down
5:36a - nurse
6a - UP (blah)

Six in the morning is way to early for me to wake up. 9 hours and 45 minutes is how much he slept. His max sleeping time was 2 hours 47 minutes. Before adding up the numbers I thought for sure that this night was a success but really not much changed.

Phase 1 Progress Chart

 Making that chart made me a little bit more depressed. It's like a really calm lake or...puddle. Not a lot of change.  BUT I'm determined to stick with this although I'm frustrated with what seems like our lack of progress. It is interesting that he doesn't really need to nurse for too long before he falls asleep again. So, if anything we are making that change even if he isn't sleeping longer. When I have him during the day I do notice that he eats more than he used to probably because he's eating less at night. Perhaps this change will effect his night time sleeps as well. Someone at work told me that once he starts eating solids that he'll sleep much longer. Perhaps that's part of it? He is a big growing boy. I'm going to give myself at least a month of this routine. I hope to see something bigger happening. Cross your fingers.

See the first part of the sleep saga here.

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