Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sugar Water on the Pacifier

14 weeks
Did you know that Aki Bear was given the pacifier when he was in the NICU for the first 48 hours of life? He probably had more pacifier time than boob time. He has never really taken to the pacifier, which is probably a good thing. The last hour that we were in the hospital one of the NICU nurses dipped the pacifier in something and stuck it in his mouth. I asked her what that was (thinking maybe it was a disinfectant or something.) She said, "Sugar water. Don't do that at home." I was dumbstruck. No wonder he wouldn't take the pacifier from me and instead give me this sour look, it didn't taste like a lollipop. I wonder why they do that in the NICU? Oh well. Instead he sucks on his fingers, Sophie the Giraffe and anything else he can stick in his mouth.


  1. Replies
    1. hm. i think mad. because i felt undermined. what if i didn't want to give him a pacifier? or one with sugar water on it? i feel like they didn't consider my thoughts or opinions as a parent. plus because of my long labor, i was so exhausted and didn't have it in me to question anything. or maybe because they were the professionals and i was brand new to this that they knew what they were doing and my opinions weren't worth voicing.

    2. or so i thought at the time.
