Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Super Mommies!

What a great post over at Pregnant Chicken titled Why You're Never Failing as a Mother. She writes in response to Moms who feel overwhelmed with trying to tackle it all. It reminds me of my friend Min's art project entitled Zummarella (that's where the above image comes from.) It's a term used in South Korea where she is from which is a label for a woman who "does it all": cooks, cleans, has babies, raises them, looks fabulous...all of the time, works a high paying job, is a do it all wife. Crazy. There's no way I could do all of that without the help of a nanny and a masseuse. When I didn't have a baby I never looked fabulous all the time...or cleaned the house. HA! Anyways, here's a snippet from that article over at Pregnant Chicken:

"If you think about it, if you had a baby thousands, if not hundreds of years ago, you would have had your mother, all your sisters (all of whom were probably lactating), and your nieces all taking care of your baby. They would help with food preparation, show you how to manage, and make sure your baby wasn’t eaten by a bear. Your kid’s feet probably wouldn’t have touched the ground until they themselves would be able to carry around an infant." 

She cracks me up. And she ends it with this:

"It’s an amazing and exciting time to have a baby right now, but always keep in mind, no one has ever done it like this before – you are pioneers that have to machete through the new terrain. Chin up. Hang in there. And remember, you’re doing a great job."


1 comment:

  1. That is so true about what support the mommies had before and what they have now.
