Stanley Burrito is the best road trip partner I've ever had. I wish I had pictures of us on the road but then that would have probably caused a serious wreck. So you just have my words this time. We drove up to Maryland for a long weekend. In the car, he either sleeps, or claps his hands on command. I say, "Stanley, clap your hands!" and he claps his hands. REALLY. It's adorable. I hand him crackers and he grabs them and smiles and I laugh and then he laughs. Then I laugh, then he laughs. And then we just go back and forth until we are just laughing. REALLY. It's adorable. Sometimes he gets a bit cranky but it usually doesn't last long. I had a stock pile of stuff to hand back to him. His moose, some stacking cups, a ball, a blanket, 3 books, crackers, puffs, his water bottle, my water bottle, his pacifier. Most of the stuff ends up flying out of his seat but he does play with the things that I pass to him for a bit of time (except for the ball which he threw immediately after handing to him.) In his new carseat I can look back and down on his head and he has figured out how to look up and to the side to see me...sort of a driving peek a boo. He's a sweet boy.
We drove up to visit Mike's sis, Sue and her lovely family including their newest addition, Nala, the dog, who looks like a lion and who is one of the sweetest dogs I've ever met.
Here is Nala brushing Stan Bear's head of luxurious hair with her very own luxurious tail. |
Here is one of my favorite pics of the Bear with his Auntie Sue, and there were lots to choose from including one of her feeding him banana and the other one with the snow cone but this one takes the cake because it shows the Bear's utter joy when he is with his Auntie Sue:
He really just adores her. One morning (or afternoon?) they were sitting near the window and looking out and talking about all the things that they could see (bunnies, a yellow slide, flowers, trees, etc.) and then the Bear stops and grabs either side of her face, looks at her and then gives her a big hug. It was a sweet, sweet moment.
He wasn't so sure about Uncle Dave (although they met the first time over Christmas). I think the Bear is a little wary of men with zero facial hair. He was curious about him the entire time but eventually warmed right up, grillside:
And of course he loved his cousins Abby and Carter. I love this picture of him with Abby by the cheerful hydrangeas:
He's probably pointing at the sage or a bunny or something. |
Here he is with Carter who he loved playing piano with so much that he gave him multiple hugs mid piano session. Super sweet hugger boy. Here they are in the kitchen:
He is probably pointing at the teapot. |
We had so much fun. I love you all! Can't wait for the next road trip up north!!
How lovely this was for you both...What an amazing and lovable family...and what an amazing huggable/hugging Stanley....I love that he laughs with such abandon.