Friday, August 3, 2012

Baby Sounds

Stanley makes the sweetest sounds while nursing. I think they're sweet Mike doesn't (especially in the middle of the night.) But I'm the one who is awake and nursing so it's sweet and endearing to me where Mike is in mid-slumber. Listen to his little sounds:

When he wakes from his sleep, Aki Bear that is, you can hear him yelp or gently cry or squawk...which is why we sometimes call him Squawky Bear.

Mike is singing to him currently in the tune of "I've got the whole world, in my hands" but with these lyrics: "I've got your whole head in my hand, I've got your whole head in my hand! I got your whole dang head in my hand I got your whole head in my hand!" HA.


  1. that is so cute, its like he's singing a little happy milk song!

    1. I LOVE his sweet nursing sounds!!!!
