Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Poo Sack

Aki Bear mostly sleeps swaddled. The magic swaddle, I call it. Sometimes it doesn't seem to work, maybe he's too hot or wants some freedom. In those instances (of panic or don't know what else to do with a squawking baby) we will try his sleep sacks. One of them is long sleeved and the bottom is like a big skirt with ties (I think Jen got that for us and perhaps was once worn by Henry or Lulu). Aki Bear seems to really like that one at times. We also got this other sleep sack from my coworker Amy that is sleeveless and zips up the front, it's like a little sleeping bag in a way. It has Winnie the Pooh on it. What I love about these sacks is that he'll sleep with his arms up (just like how he was in the womb). The other day I said, "He's down, and in his Pooh sack!" and Mike said, "POO sack?" Hahahaha. Poo sack is how I'll think of it from now on. Have a look at him in his Poo Sack, wide awake:
He totally looks like me as a baby in this picture. Plus, he's almost getting too long for his co sleeper!!!

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