Sunday, August 19, 2012


EEEEW. Yes, I know, most of these look gross, especially the "milk neck". This proves that Aki Bear is not a perfect specimen. He's got cradle cap on his head and he had a little bit of it on his eyebrows and ears but I've managed to wipe it away in those spots while nursing. It's not painful and will go away on it's own. "Milk Neck" is just what I call it, I don't know if there's a more technical term for it or not. It's when babies have lots of folds on their necks (and Aki Bear has got at least 2, because he's pretty chunky) and breast milk drips down into the folds. I wipe his neck more than once a day. If you just leave it there it can get infected and turn into a yeast infection! He's got baby acne on his face, back and chest. It's starting to fade a little. This too goes away in time. He's got a stork bite or salmon patch on the left side of his neck. This too will go away; they say it can take up to 18 months before it fades. Imperfect, yes, but perfect in every other way:

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