Wednesday, May 23, 2012

35 Weeks!

The boy has had a growth spurt this week. Whenever there is a growth spurt it's at least a two nap kinda day (that was what I did on Sunday) and my belly feels like it's got a bit of a sunburn (that's the skin stretching) and I get sleepy eyes at work. I don't love these growth spurts because I like feeling energetic and I like being able to get stuff done around the house. This Sunday I just couldn't do it. After I ate my second breakfast I took a nap at 9:45am. Then around 4 p.m. I went down for another one. I do love taking naps but this time I just felt so useless, even when I was awake. Luckily Mike was supportive and said I needed to rest because I am making a little human. Well, if you put it that way, nap comin' right up!

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