Monday, February 20, 2012

Spicy Baby!

My friend Min, who was one of my closest friends in grad school, and I had a funny texting conversation back in December. Min is from South Korea and speaks very good English with an accent. In grad school I actually started a list of words that she would mispronounce due to her accent. For instance she once said, "Are you getting your cat noodled?" Noodled instead of neutered. Another funny one is "It's not my fart." She meant to say it's not my fault. She would even say things like, "Erin, don't stand me out." Instead of "don't stand me up." Min calls me Banga, I call her Minji. She is crazy, in the most entertaining way possible. She cracks me up. Over a year ago I was telling her that Mike and I were planning on having a baby and she said something like, don't have a Rabbit baby (Chinese Year of the Rabbit). She gave me all these reasons why not to have a Rabbit baby (I no longer remember any of the reasons.)

This is our texting conversation back on December 30, 2011:

Banga: Min, tell me about the year of the dragon. Is that a good year for a Sonikawa baby?

Minji: Oh... No... You are knock down (She meant to say "knocked up") Year of the dragon will be amazing year for you! Spicy baby!

Banga: I'm pregnant! I'm due June 30th!

Minji: Oh my god!!! Congratulation! Now you need to seriously think about naming the kid, Kaja (which means, "let's go" in Korean)! or San! Also Joseph and Cynthia (other friends from grad school) are getting married on July 14th in Cleveland. You better pop your baby early so you can come! My recommendation is jumping Jack, lots of sex and stair running three weeks before it's due. So the baby will be out early.

Thank you for that expert advice, Minji!

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