Thursday, February 16, 2012

You CAN Teach an Old Husband New Tricks

Mike is, how shall I say this... shocked? wowed? with the changes my body is going through. He would look at me with this scrunched up face and I would respond after seeing this expression,
"Why are you looking at me that way? I feel more beautiful now than I ever have." 
And he would say something like, 
"It's just so different." 
I told him that some of my co-workers have said I was a cute pregnant lady. One of the things that I like so much about my relationship with him is that we're very open and honest with each other. He's not afraid to scrunch up his face while looking at my pregnant bod and I'm not afraid to tell him that I don't like his scrunched up face while looking at my pregnant bod. So, after this conversation that we had, maybe a week later, I was in the bathroom and I exclaimed to Mike, who was in the bedroom, 
"My _______s are HUGE!" 
Without even thinking he responded in a sincere manner,
"I'm sure they are just as beautiful as all the rest of you." 
I shouted from the other room,
"You don't have to say that if you don't mean it!" 
And my very smart and sweet husband shouted back,
"Yes, I do!"

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