Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Garlic Clove in the "Fanny Pack"

Two Sundays ago right before I went on my hike with Christina Mike said to me, "Don't go into labor." And it got me thinking, "What if?" What if my water broke on our hike? What if I started having contractions and I was 1.75 hilly miles from the parking lot? The thing that scared me the most was not getting my first dose of antibiotics for Beta Strep. My friend Kristen sent me this article on other ways to kill vaginal bacterias and one of them was using a garlic clove. You basically stick the garlic clove in your birth canal and it will kill all sorts of bacteria. So, I have added a little garlic clove to my fanny pack. Hahaha! That sentence is probably extra funny to Kimbra because in Australia fanny doesn't mean your rear end...it means your front end.  HAha, now I have the giggles.

UPDATE: Apparently putting a garlic clove in your vagina after your water breaks wouldn't be a good thing but if I were just to have contractions that should be o.k.


  1. Don't stick garlic in your woohoo if your water breaks!! You can do it now, though.
