Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I really like this article over at mamaeve, When You Think You Are Right, You Are Wrong. She talks about how polarizing  her own views can be and how she loses more rather than gains when she may be excluding those who offer differences of opinions.

I hope I never write things in a way that makes others feel bad or excluded, although I'm sure I do sometimes without trying to. I was raised to accept all people. I think learning two sides of every coin is beneficial. Of course you will most likely choose one side but I try to respect the other. Sometimes I like to balance the coin on it's end and take a little wisdom from each side.
I've been reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Robert W. Sears. It's really great so far. In the introduction he says how he is a "pro-vaccine" doctor but that he is also pro-information. He wrote this book in a pretty clear cut way. He talks about the disease and how common it is, what the vaccine is made up of and when it is given, the different brands and how they are made, if any of the ingredients are controversial, the side effects of the vaccine, the reasons why you should or should not have this vaccine, and options to consider if you choose to get it. He doesn't ever say, "YOU MUST DO THIS VACCINE" or "YOU SHOULD NOT DO THIS VACCINE". He presents it in a way to let the parent make up their own mind. It's so helpful and I wish there were books like this on every parenting decision ever. HA.

Dr. Sears is part of the Sears family (His parents are known for some really great books, I'm sure his siblings are as well.) They have a website: www.askdrsears.com - it's a good go-to kind of site when it comes to looking up all things baby.

1 comment:

  1. Have you made any decisions re vaccines yet?
