Monday, June 4, 2012

Just a Little Communication

This image is not what the 3rd bedroom (or any bedroom) in the house looks like right now. This is the bedroom when we first moved in. BUT this is what I feel like the hallway and bedroom feel like now. Like there is breathing and cartwheel space.
This weekend was a dream compared to the previous, emotional one. Mike went through the third bedroom (which is the one where we just keep the door closed and the one where I pretend that it doesn't exist.) He is getting rid of BIG stuff (and little stuff). His straightening and thinning out of stuff is making room for storage (that we would otherwise have to rent at some storage spot, mainly for framed artwork). So, this is a money saver. I swear, I'm only going to make art that fits into a manila folder from now on. This means that the office is basically done, the third bedroom is done and the hallway is actually walk-down-able without tripping over crap. I LOVE IT. and I think I love Mike more than I did the day before. He has taken action. He wasn't messing around, he was a cleaning machine. All it takes is just a little communication!

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